3 Down, 97 More to Go

Today is our 3rd year anniversary!

We woke up and did what we always do the morning of our anniversary — watch our wedding slideshow and footage of the big day.

Of course we cried like big fat babies, as we do every year, but it’s wonderful to relieve the greatest day of our lives.

Speaking of big days, we’re heading home to Ohio tomorrow evening for another great wedding — Catie Bella and Matt Anderson. We’re pumped for them and to see everyone, too. It’s been a good six months since we’ve been to Cincinnati and it’ll be great to throw a few back.

On Monday, we’ll do our final walk-through of our house before we close next Friday! We fly back to Boston Tuesday morning, Keith flies in Friday, and then we’re all driving back to Ohio on Sunday, June 15th. This time, for good.

It’s been a twisty and unpredictable 3 years and we can’t wait to see what the next 97 have in store for us.