make/shift magazine issue 6 is prettier than a bouquet of roses

Have you ever unexpectedly received or seen a bouquet of scarlet red roses?

I mean, outside the usual places like sidewalk vendors or flower shops, have you ever been taken away by the simple grandeur of a bouquet of red roses? The rich vibrancy, the throbbing red intensity of its beauty?

The most recent issue of make/shift is even better than that.

A part from the gorgeous red cover, the insides of make/shift are the must MUST reads for today’s independent thinking womyn, men, activists, and feminists. Yours truly is also a contributor for this issue – both in print and photographic expression.

In all seriousness, even if I was not a part of make/shift, I would tell you the same thing: it is the smartest, most deliberate, earth shaking, and most perspective changing magazine out there. Period.