Liberation Practices: Take Notice of What’s Growing

Someone's toes are peeking over the tops of his sandals already!

There are these “back up” moments I often have when out in public with Isaiah. I’ll be busy loading groceries on the conveyor belt, or picking up my keys that he threw on the playground steps, and when I get my composure, I see that he is busy charming the pants off of the closest person around. The phrase “doll-baby” has been thrown around, along with “well-behaved” and “angelic.” Someone yesterday even commented to me that she thinks Isaiah has a philosophical look about him.

I forget these things. I sometimes forget to study this little man in front of me. My mind is often bursting at the seams with trying to remember this and that, I forget that he is really one of the most well-behaved little persons I know. I forget to study him sometimes.

Since I see him everyday, it’s hard for me to take notice of how he is constantly growing. Little by little, inch my inch, he moves along in his development all on his own. In the blink of an eye, he started counting (I prompt, “one” and he says, “TWWWWOOOO”) and his gazes are much more knowing and confidant. My baby is growing.

Sometimes we are so caught up in making our lives work, we forget to notice how much is growing around us. And when I do take notice and take that few extra seconds to notice how much Nick has grown, how Isaiah has developed, how I have changed, I am overcome by a tsunami of gratitude.

Notice. Be grateful.

One thought on “Liberation Practices: Take Notice of What’s Growing

  1. carm

    leese, when i was taking him to bed the other night, i said “One..”. He looked at me like we were playing a game and goes “Twoooo!” Ran back to the bottom of the steps and did it over again. So precious. he must stop growing RIGHT NOT.

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