Imploding or Exploding, not sure…

Job hunting is a full-time job and doing it out of state is even more gut wrenching.

The stress is building and I need to give myself permission to un-intensify my life, which may or may not affect my posts.

As I remain blood committed to exploring woc feminism, I may also be either taking breaks or posting my insanity about moving, jobbing, headaches, and plummeting professional esteem.

We’ll see.

If you’ve got experience on staying sane throughout a job hunt, especially out of state hunts, pass on the wisdom.


I just got an email from my senior highschool prom date who I haven’t seen or spoken to in ten years.

*eyes shifting from side to side*

I need time to get myself back together.

Entirely too bizarre,

even for me.

The proverbial update question, “SO! What’ve ya been up to?”

Oh I don’t know. It’s been a while since I was the loudest cheerleader who denied her racial and ethnic feminist voice and puppy-loved locker boy with such shrill adolescence that I can still hear the echoes today. But, other than a true transformation and emergence of self, I’m pretty fab. What about you?

More of this Stuff

I have no idea what is up with me today. These are ridiculous, but addicting.

Random sets of 3’s:

3 things you WILL do in this lifetime:

1. Finish a book
2. Become a parent
3. Ride in a hot air balloon

3 songs with lyrics that have made you cry:

1. Christmas Shoes (SO stupid, but that children’s choir in the background….)
2. You Were Mine by the Dixie Chicks
3. Separate Lives (love-sick 80s song…buckets of tears)

3 TV shows you enjoy watching (old or new):

1. My So-Called Life
2. Grey’s Anatomy
3. Ugly Betty

Dreams you once upon a time had, but that haven’t come true and you’re okay with that:

1. Go to Fiji
2. Becoming an actress
3. Running a marathon

3 places you go/have been where you found a sense of peace:

1. Nicaragua
2. Ohio
3. Shoreline

3 minor regrets in life:

1. Cheerleading
2. Making out with **** in college
3. Quitting voice lessons

3 clichés or common phrases that you tend to believe are true:

1. God is everywhere.
2. All you need is love.
3. Good enough isn’t.

One Word Answers

Cuz I don’t have much to say today

Answer all questions using only 1 word

1. Where is your cell phone? here
2. Relationship? Beautifabulous
3. Your hair? black
4. Work? Tedious
5. Your sister? Cleveland
6. Your favorite thing? Writing
7. Your dream last night? Weird
8. Your favorite drink? Milk
9. Your dream car? Electric
10. The room you’re in? Office
11. Your shoes? Flip-flops
12. Your fears? unfulfillment
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Laughing
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Adonis
15. What you’re not good at? dishes
16. Muffin? corn
17. One of your wish list items? laptop
18. Where you grew up? east
19. The last thing you did? kissed
20. What are you wearing? tank top
21. What aren’t you wearing? watch
22. Your pet. none
23. Your computer? fast
24. Your life? blessed
25. Your mood? restless
26. Missing? friends
27. What are you thinking about right now? blogging
28. Your car? RAV4
29. Your kitchen? Smile
30. Your summer? Moving
31. Your favorite colour? purple
32. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
33. Last time you cried? Tuesday
34. School? masters
35. Tag? whoever

Let Me Dismiss the Stereotype

Interesting image on Postsecret this week, where this postcard originates.
I’ll be honest, I never really understood the whole Asian exotic thing. It wasn’t until I began performing mental biopsies on stereotypes did I begin to understand that Asian women are stereotyped as sexual toys, to be dominated, played with, and understood in those contexts.

What could be understood as a trivial stereotype fuels much of the oppression of women and young girls in this world.

The power of stereotype is frightening. I understand it now, in the context of human sex slave trafficking, mail brides, prostitution, and pornography. Asian women, combined with the assumed docile and quiet chacteristic, are viewed as ultimate sexual enjoyment: do whatever you want and they’ll never say a word.

I have two words for whomever this postcard was intended: WAKE UP.

For Adonis Only

Yo me olvidé su día más fiel el 6 de diciembre. Lamento mucho. El año próximo, yo no me olvidaré. ¡Prometo hacerlo hasta usted!

OR – considering your exam this week:

J’ai oublié votre jour de fiest le 6 décembre. Je suis si désolé. L’année prochaine, je n’oublierai pas. Je promets de le faire jusqu’à vous!

Staying Low

I’m in the last stages of doc apps and so there’s not much writing coming out of me outside academic stuff. I’m laying low for several reasons.

1) I’ve got so much I want to write about that I’m overwhelmed
2) I’m recovering from my NYC trip
3) Applications are nuts

More to come later today.

But for now, if you still remain unconvinced that women are oppressed in our world and if you believe that wars will end because men in suits say they’re working hard for peace, read this article and re-evaluate the urgency, the desperation, the absolute need for justice and peace.

Apple, The Big

I made it to New York City without any relatively big problems.

How I manage to stress myself out when traveling is beyond me. It doesn’t matter how much time I have, I will always WITHOUT FAIL stress myself out and almost miss a flight.

Luckily, fate was on my side.

Just so you are in the know: you cannot put anything larger than those really, really small traveling cases of shampoo and conditioner in your carry-on. And they must be in a plastic bag. I found this out the hard way when they retracted my 8.0oz of Divine Angels perfume and lotion from my luggage. The max is 3.1. A bit over.

When I went through security, two guards asked me if I was Filipino. I smiled, “Yes.”

Tall #1: Mabuhay!
Me: Oh…that’s great! (cringe, I hate when people try to connect via Tagalog – do you really want me to reply in a different dialect? Should I mention that I can barely speak it myself?)
Tall #2: Ma – Mago, MAGANDA!…
Me: You know what? This is the most cultured airport I’ve ever been in (hands flying over my head for emphasis)
Tall#2: Maganda…

Me (thinking to myself): Ok, he’s creeping me out. There’s only a number of times when the security guy can tell you you’re beautiful in another language before you start to sweat buckets.

Regardless, I made it here on my own, with a great taxi driver who did not try to cheat me. Good for him, I tipped him well to keep him honest.

So, now I am in my bud’s apartment. We bought snapple and wheat thins down the street and stayed up late laughing over highschool people we find on myspace – a piece of the world I personally refuse to take part in or venture alone – and now I can hear her whispering with her beau, a really adorable Italian chef who cannot stop complimenting her, as they share a twin bed and I veg on the couch.

One of my other BFF from highschool lives directly below. A canny coincidence. Her release party (she’s a singer) is next Friday and she works catering jobs to pay for her life. She won’t be back until after 2am or so and I’m trying to stay up and surprise her…

It’s a funky combo feeling right now: part highschool, Felicity, Melrose Place, and Friends…

I can hear the bus outside, squeaky brakes, and a loud conversation in the street. This building natually leans to the left and so anything round that you drop rolls around for awhile. While my feet smell from walking around so much and I miss Adonis so much I feel like carving a big fat A on my forehead, I am so happy to be here, among my friends, in my city and a banana snapple to fall asleep with.