Welcome to My Ecdysis

Hi There,

Welcome to a new year which we have numbered 2009.

You will see a few changes on my blog and will continue to see changes as they reflect the ongoing evolution of my life. I can’t tell if I envy or distrust sites that don’t change. It must be nice to have steady beats and strong lines. But sometimes I see more strength in flexibility; the lines that bend but never break.

My site is about documenting the events of my life as I see them through my eyes. I hold a preference for art, feminism, language, justice, community, spirituality, and strength. These are my values. Writing about feminism, kyriarchy, and race are the main thrusts of my writing.

If you are new here, welcome. If you are an old friend, welcome again.

2009 is a year of commitment for me. As I grow in knowledge of the kind of womyn I wish to be, the vision of my writing changes with my ecdysis.

Thanks for reading and witnessing my births.