Being Brown is Not a Crime: Let Stand the 14th Amendment

I wish I could link to the original photographer, but this remains anonymous.

The talk about amending or rewording or deleting or repealing – or whatever the head honchos of the Republican party want to call it –  the 14th Amendment is the nastiest pill to swallow in the latest buzz about immigration “reform” and legislation. The history of laws in this country – who was allowed in and for what purpose – is hardly a clear cut issue.  And neither is deciding whose citizenship should be denied, revoked, or withheld.

Being born in this country and gaining citizenship is one of the most exciting and wonderful amendments in the books.  I’ve always thought that particular amendment was pretty rad.  The idea that the GOP is pushing –  altering the 14th amendment would only shun the children of “illegals” – is a bunch of baloney.  It’s like saying, “I KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO TO THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO ARE HERE WITHOUT CITIZENSHIP!  WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW THEIR INFANTS TO BE CITIZENS!  THAT’LL MAKE THOSE PREGNANT LADIES THINK TWICE ABOUT RISKING THEIR LIVES TO GET ACROSS THE BORDER SO THEY CAN WORK THEIR TALES OFF TO PROVIDE FOR THEIR FAMILIES!  THAT’LL CONTROL THOSE ‘ILLEGALS!’

Perhaps this is issue is striking a bit too close to my heart.  My parents came to this country to work their entire lives and devote their careers to giving us a better life.  Yes, they were “documented,” and my citizenship came by birthright.  So to hear the idea that children should be penalized for the government’s inability to formulate sensible and compassionate immigration legislation is infuriating.  And insulting to those of us who are children of immigrants.  The children who were brought here on the heels of dreams and labor.

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