Happy 8 Months, Isaiah!

8 mo this morning

You let me cut your fingernails in peace, while you’re awake even.  You won’t eat vegetables unless they’re warmed up.  You stand with assistance.  Your words are BEH!, KEH! and BWAH!  The way you stare into someone’s eyes is just disarming.

The past eight months have taught me more about life than any other period of challenge.

You don’t ask for much, just a lot of play time and touch.  For me, there’s really no way to describe your incredible-ness, but I’ll try in this small poem:

Before You Came

If I didn’t believe in God before,

I would believe now.

If I didn’t understand life before,

I understand now.

If I didn’t know love before,

I know love now.

If I had nothing before you came,

I have everything now.

Happy 8 Months, Angel.

