On Divorce and General Suckiness

From the following transcription, you would never guess that we’re both highly educated and articulate human beings who care deeply about the institution and sanctity of marriage as a social and spiritual force for good.
Nick: You know what would suck?

Me: What?

Nick: Being married to someone who sucks. That would suck.

Me: Mhm.

Nick: I mean, really. Things around here right now are so stressful with your back going out, Isaiah being sick, neither of us getting any sleep. Staying up till 2am getting everything done and we’re still behind. Can you imagine all of that and being married to someone who sucks? That would suck. I can see why people get divorced.

Me: Mhm, strong words. Well, to argue this point, I hope you realize that people who divorce often do so because of two people, not just because one person sucks. Although, I’m sure that if one person does suck, it does add to the liklihood of it not working out. Particularly if one partner in the marriage is awesome and the other sucks. Eventually, I think, the imbalance would catch up to them.

Nick: You’re right.

Me: And, just because TWO people suck doesn’t mean they’re going to get divorced. Maybe two people who suck just suck together and it works, you know?

Nick: Right. No, you’re right. Two suckies does not equal divorce. I’m just glad I’m not married to someone that sucks.

Me: We have moments when we both suck, but overall, I hope I don’t suck. ‘Cause that would seriously suck.