What Makes You Indestructible Yet Vulnerable?: 330 Word Contest for Women’s Herstory Month

"Indestructible" by Favianna Rodriguez

So, I’ve fallen in love with Favianna Rodriguez’s, “Indestructible Women” poster. So much so that when I saw it, I immediately bought not only one but two copies. I have no idea why. There was something about it that spoke to me, something about the three figures of a woman at different stages in her life. The colors of the poster resemble the colors I often dream about, and, overall, the poster made me feel alive.


This is what Favianna writes about this piece:
This piece was originally developed in 2005 for the Women’s Building in San Francisco, to celebrate International Women’s Day.
The piece represents three powerful women in different stages of their live. The woman on the far left has not learned how to trust herself. She does not turn to herself for guidance. I depicted her looking away from her hands, as our hands are a place where we gain clarity. The woman in the middle is a dancer. She is balancing two dualities of her life. On one hand, she has the fire, the intensity of her life. On the other side, she has the peaceful, represented by a circle. The dancer in the center of the piece balancing the two energies. And finally, on the far right you have the wise woman. The woman who trusts her mind and her spirit and who looks to herself for direction. She is represented in this piece as looking into her hands. Her hands emit energy and light.
Viva La Mujer

Truthfully, there are days where I feel indestructible and days where I feel vulnerable. I believe the two go hand in hand. When I look at this piece of art, I somehow feel both and holding those two seemingly conflicting emotions make me feel even more strong. The image straightens my spine, lifts my chin, raises my eyes upward. And I’m free.

To celebrate March – women’s herstory month, the beginning of spring – I’m giving away the extra copy of this gorgeous indestructible poster to the person who writes the most confounding, awesome, profound, hilarious, inspiring, truthful, harrowing, heartfelt answer to this question:

What makes you indestructible yet vulnerable?

Here are the rules:

330 word count (I just turned 33 last month)

Deadline Saturday, March 31

Send to me at: factora.borchers@gmail.com

Please include your name, email, and where you want the poster sent to

Winner announced on April 5th

Winner gets “18 x “12 poster and answer will be posted here on my blog

Since I’m paying for postage, I regret that this little shindig is limited to the US and Canada mailing addresses only, but, hey, if you live outside the US or Canada and you want to tell me why your indestructible yet vulnerable anyway, I’ll be pumped to read your answer and potentially share on this blog.

I also regret that I’m mono-tongued and can only read English. Lo siento.

This is open to all, so forward to anyone who celebrates indestructibility and vulnerability.