The Masterpiece View

This is how I feel about my life right now. A piece of artwork in process, perhaps forever in transition. Dramatic, illogical, sloppy even. But real.

After two years of inexplicable sacrifice and flexibility, Nick is graduating from his MBA program on Sunday. This day was dreamed about 3 years ago, and it has come at a price that I cannot express in words. The stress, the unknown, the uncertainty that it came with took its toll on our life, marriage, mental health, physical health, and confidence. Ironically, going through such times makes one even more confident, assured, and even. The degree itself is not what has given Nick or me pride, it’s the knowledge that we endured such a difficult terrain together, and if we are able to do that, we are able to contort out lives into whatever pretzel shape we need to get through to the next phase of life.

For me, that includes getting accepted into VONA – a dream of mine for the past five years or so – and beyond that, who knows?

If there’s one thing Nick and I have learned to love, it is living in the moment and not worrying so much about tomorrow. We know and rest in the peace that today our dreams are finally come true, and we have come out holding hands with full hearts.

I toast to my partner, Nick, for this trek, and to Isaiah, who has given us so much joy and hope. Most of all, I toast to us as a family for getting each other through.

Time to celebrate life, time to take the masterpiece view.