Only the Essentials

I did it.  I threw out lotion and perfume bottles.

It’s something I’ve never done before.  I could never bring myself to waste, and in that incapability to throw away, I had more than I ever needed.  Today was the day.  I opened a trash bag and went to town on my bedroom.  Magazines, lotions, clothes. I’m in a purge fest.

I’m cleansing, saying goodbye, getting rid of excess.

It feels almost like an urgency to only carry the essentials.

One thought on “Only the Essentials

  1. Emily

    have you heard of the book ‘the power of less’? i haven’t read it but i have heard good things. it is written from the perspective of an ultra-capitalist white business man, so i’m suspicious, but also intrigued by the premise.

    i love this post and it has inspired me. i have been trying over the past year or so to follow the steps in ‘vagabonding’ for keeping your life simple: 1. stop accumulating new stuff, 2. simplify by getting rid of unnecessary stuff, and 3. i forget what the third one is, ha. it has helped to look at the reasons/triggers i buy things i don’t truly need. it’s usually boredom, anxiety, a need to assert my identity. i am trying to remember that i am not defined by the things i own or don’t own.

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