Today’s Top 10 Epiphanies

1. I worry, extensively and probably needlessly, about expectations.

2. I define friendship and closeness by how comfortable I feel when we are together in a new place.

3. Negativity. I don’t do it.  Don’t want to be around it.  Can’t explain it but I know it when I sense it.

4. Contrary to gender stereotype, men grieve. And it looks like a dam bursting when they allow themselves the emotional release of expressing it outwardly. More than dam. A bomb.

5. I care about what others think until it sounds ignorant.

6. Compassion is growing more and more extinct while bullshit terms like tolerance keep growing in popularity.

7. The more we forgive ourselves, the more we forgive our parents.

8. The more I love, the freer I feel.

9. Physical movement can be a prayer.

10. God doesn’t care what you look like.