Sugar Cleanse Letters, Day 2

Dear adrienne, Forgive the staccato, unrelated points in this letter with no transition: it’s day 2 and I’m noticing everything.  My ability, though, to put it all together, is nil. I notice how after I eat, even when I’m satisfied and no longer hungry, I notice the Want comes alive.  I Want something crunchy, salty […]

The House of Fiction

Me to Nick: I think we should practice giving Isaiah the epipen in case he eats a peanut or has a bad reaction to something and can’t breathe.  We should be ready.  No fumbles. Nick: (slowly looking at the epipen package) Okaaay, it says right here..ah, yes..right here, it reads ‘PRACTICE PEN.’ Me: Good.  Let’s […]

Love & the Body

There’s never been a time when I never thought about my body.  For as long as I can remember, dating back to 1986 when I was seven years old and someone commented that my belly was cute and my lisp was cuter, I remember having a third eye.  Two eyes on the world, and one […]