Baby Talk

Random Sunday Funny:

Isaiah calls the vacuum KIKI. If you’ve spent any time with him in our home, you know that there are four of us that live here: Me, Nick, Isaiah, and Kiki. Kiki is talked about everyday and if she doesn’t make an appearance at least twice a day, it’s not a good day for Isaiah. I should add that because of Isaiah’s affinity for Kiki, our floors have never looked cleaner.

So you can imagine my nonchalance when I was walking Isaiah up to church in his stroller and he starts yelling KIKI! KIKI! I figured it was his daily shout/invite/demand that Kiki make her appearance. I was about to inform him that Kiki doesn’t make appearances outside when I saw him pointing and shouting at an elderly woman, with plastic tubes coming out of her mouth, gingerly rolling her oxygen tank on wheels toward the church entrance.

Isaiah, excited that a mini Kiki lookalike did, in fact, make outdoor appearances, only grew in certainty that Kiki can do and clean and manage all things – carpet, bare floors, AND SIDEWALKS.

He kept pointing KIKI! KIKI!

It was the first time I wanted to gently put scotch tape over his mouth.